Short term exposure to air pollution in India kills 33,000 people annually Study

Category : Air Pollution | Location : Punjab  | Posted on 2024-07-04 22:06:16

Short term exposure to air pollution in India kills 33,000 people annually Study

The study examines 10 Indian cities (Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Shimla, and Varanasi) and finds that 33,000 deaths annually are attributable to air pollution levels exceeding WHO guidelines. Notably, significant deaths occurred even in cities not typically associated with high air pollution. The authors analyzed PM2.5 exposure data and daily mortality counts from 2008 to 2019 to reach these conclusions.
7.2% of all deaths (~33,000 each year) across all 10 of these cities could be linked to short-term PM2.5 exposure higher than the WHO guideline value of 15 μg/m3 according to the study. 
