Jaipur: Trader arrested for selling 7 endangered rare turtles & hare

Category : Wildlife | Location : Rajasthan  | Posted on 2021-08-04 00:06:55

Jaipur: Trader arrested for selling 7 endangered rare turtles & hare

JAIPUR: Acting on a tip-off, the Jaipur forest department team rescued seven Indian softshell turtles, an endangered species, and a hare from Vatika area on Tuesday. The team is now inquiring the accused as to from where has he brought the turtles. The arrested trader has been identified as Raju Meena.

Forest ranger, Janeshwar Singh said, “The forest department team contacted the smugglers to buy these turtles. After the deal was closed to purchase one turtle at Rs 10,000, the smugglers brought the turtles in a carton. The team nabbed them, once they saw the turtles.”

The department was tipped off by a wildlife enthusiast, Sumit Juneja. Experts said, the Indian softshell turtle (Nilssonia Gangetica) or Ganges softshell turtle is a species of softshell turtle found in South Asia in rivers such as the Ganges, Indus and Mahanadi.

This vulnerable turtle reaches a carapace length of up to 94cm (37 inch). It feeds mostly on fish, amphibians, carrion and other animal matter, but also aquatic plants. These turtles are protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, the same protection status enjoyed by the tiger.

The possession of animals listed in Schedule I of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 may attract imprisonment of three to seven years. A forest official said, “The price of these turtles is not fixed in Rajasthan. These illegal traders demand money as per their whims and fancies. Rare species are sold for meat and for use in traditional medicine.”

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/trader-arrested-for-selling-7-endangered-rare-turtles-hare/articleshowprint/85022291.cms