DTPC to make eco-bricks using waste generated at tourism spots in Thiruvananthapuram

Category : Plastic pollution | Location : Kerala  | Posted on 2023-04-18 03:29:34

DTPC to make eco-bricks using waste generated at tourism spots in Thiruvananthapuram

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  The District Tourism Promotion Council (DTPC) is partnering with the Tourism Club to introduce a novel initiative that promotes upcycling and tackles plastic pollution in a sustainable manner. The project aims to create eco-bricks using plastic waste generated at various tourism destinations in the district and use them to build sustainable structures and amenities for tourists visiting Akkulam Tourist Village.

Source: https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/thiruvananthapuram/2023/apr/18/dtpc-to-make-eco-bricks-using-waste-generated-at-tourism-spots-inthiruvananthapuram-2566904.html