Tamil Nadu Unchecked pollution kills large number of fish in Vandiyur Teppakulam

Category : Water Pollution | Location : Tamil Nadu  | Posted on 2023-04-04 22:10:57

Tamil Nadu Unchecked pollution kills large number of fish in Vandiyur Teppakulam

MADURAI:  With the searing summer sun depleting the water level on one hand and the unchecked waste dumping adding to pollution on the other, the overall condition of Mariamman Teppakulam in Vandiyur has been dreadful in recent weeks. On Tuesday, carcasses of a large number of fish were seen floating amid garbage piles in the tank.

Source: https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2023/apr/05/tamil-nadu-unchecked-pollution-kills-large-number-of-fish-in-vandiyur-teppakulam-2562730.html