IUCN-CEC Presents GOA CMS VATAVARAN Film Festival & Forum On LIFE

Category : Environment Conservation | Location : Delhi  | Posted on 2023-02-28 02:41:39

IUCN-CEC Presents GOA CMS VATAVARAN Film Festival & Forum On LIFE

CMS VATAVARAN in collaboration with IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) is organizing the first Film Festival & Forum on LiFE (Lifestyle For Environment) in the state of Goa scheduled from 5th -7th March 2023 at ESG Auditorium, Goa. #NatureForAll, Wildlife Trust of India, Video volunteers,BITS Pilani Goa Campus, Vidnyan Parishad, Goa & The Assagao Mehfil are also supporting this program.

Source: http://www.cmsvatavaran.org/goa-cmsvatavaran.php