‘Target to reduce air pollution by 30 per cent by 2024’

Category : Air Pollution | Location : Jharkhand  | Posted on 2021-07-30 00:38:20

‘Target to reduce air pollution by 30 per cent by 2024’

Encouraged by the success of the earlier four editions, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Jharkhand in association with Citizens Foundation organised the fifth edition of its annual flagship initiative, Green Conclave.

The 5th Green Conclave deliberated on some important environmental sustainability issues . The forum highlighted and tried to address some immediate gaps where policy intervention can help accelerate implementation of a circular economy, promote resource efficiency and help create a climate resilient Indian Industry.

Addressing the conclave Dr Praveen Jha, additional principal chief conservator of forests & director - extension forestry, South Chotanagpur, Jharkhand stated that in the recent past, extreme climate events such as drought, flood, high temperature has been ruining lives. The direct impact on human life is tremendous and there have been almost 500000 human deaths across the world in the past 20 years. The additional death due to malnutrition, diarrhea, malaria and heat stress would be to the tune of 2,50,000. There is an urgent need to reduce the air pollution and also provide safe drinking water. He said that the Urban Ministry in the national clean air programme 2020 has stated that there must be a reduction in air pollution by 30% by 2024.

Addressing the gathering, Tapas Sahu, vice chairman, CII Jharkhand State Council & MD & CEO, Highco Engineers Pvt Ltd said that in the era of globalization, industries, irrespective of the sector, size or location, should reduce the environmental impacts of their processes and products.

Source: https://www.dailypioneer.com/2021/state-editions/---target-to-reduce-air-pollution-by-30-per-cent-by-2024---.html