Blackbuck conservation breeding facility mooted at Abohar wildlife sanctuary

Category : Wildlife | Location : Punjab  | Posted on 2022-09-22 01:54:23

Blackbuck conservation breeding facility mooted at Abohar wildlife sanctuary

The first-of-its-kind project in the state was mooted after the sarpanch of Sukhchain village, Manoj Godara offered to donate 10 acres from his family trust for free for the conservation of the blackbuck, the state animal of Punjab.

The authorities said the proposed project, which will also act as a wildlife rescue-cum-rehabilitation centre, will be started after getting the necessary approval from the Centre.

Godara, who belongs to the Bishnoi community and owns land at Mehrana village, credits senior Indian Forest Officer and conservator of forests (protected areas) T Ganana Parkash for pushing the programme.

“The number of blackbucks (called hiran in the local parlance) has decreased at an alarming level in the last few years. Due to constrained food availability and the increase in the population of stray cattle and dogs, blackbucks have migrated to the adjoining areas of Rajasthan. Blackbuck is a cultural identity of Abohar and being a member of the Bishnoi community, I am contributing my bit for wildlife conservation,” said Godara.
