Climate Change Leading To Frequency Of Fish Mass Extinctions, Says Research

Category : Climate Change | Location : International  | Posted on 2022-09-02 00:11:30

Climate Change Leading To Frequency Of Fish Mass Extinctions, Says Research

The frequency of fish die-offs, or mass mortality events, has increased as the planet’s climate has warmed. These die-offs can have serious consequences for ecosystem function, endanger existing fish populations, and reduce global food supply. And the frequency of these events appears to be increasing, with potentially disastrous consequences for the world if global carbon emissions are not significantly reduced by the end of the twenty-first century.

That is the conclusion of a recent paper co-authored by two members of the University of Arkansas Department of Biological Sciences: doctoral student Simon Tye and associate professor Adam Siepielski, as well as several of their colleagues.

The study, “Climate warming amplifies the frequency of fish mass mortality events across north temperate lakes,” compiled 526 documented cases of fish die-offs in Minnesota and Wisconsin lakes between 2003 and 2013. The researchers discovered three major causes of these events: infectious diseases, summer kills, and winter kills.
