Migratory birds flock Point Calimere early

Category : Wildlife | Location : Tamil Nadu  | Posted on 2022-08-24 02:43:11

Migratory birds flock Point Calimere early

NAGAPATTINAM: Flocks of several species of migratory birds were spotted at the Point Calimere Wildlife and Birds Sanctuary in Kodiyakarai on Monday evening. Typically, they visit the sanctuary in monsoon, and experts have attributed their early arrival to an abundance of water in the sanctuary.

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Yogesh Kumar Meena, the District Forest Officer in Nagapattinam, said: “The birds may have arrived early due to availability of water in and around the sanctuary.”Dr S Balachandran, an ornithologist and the Deputy Director of Bombay Natural History Society, who has been researching in Kodiyakarai, said, “Unseasonal rains could be a reason for the abundance of water. Some of the migratory birds, who returned to their natural habitats like the arctic region, have come back early.”

Other migratory birds spotted in the sanctuary include Little Stint, Lesser Sand Plover, Marsh Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Common Redshank, Wood Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone, Eurasian Curlew, and Whimbrel, Oriental Pratincole.

DFO Yogesh Kumar Meena said the facilities at the sanctuaries would be improved to boost tourism. “We are planning to set up birdwatching towers for the benefit of tourists and researchers,” he said.The sanctuary, which spreads over 21 square kilometres, is one of the largest wetlands in the country and a Ramsar site as well.

Source: https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/tamil-nadu/2022/aug/24/migratory-birds-flock-point-calimere-early-2490753.html