Covid and climate change pose similar behavioural challenges

Category : Climate Change | Location : International  | Posted on 2022-08-24 02:36:18

Covid and climate change pose similar behavioural challenges

Climate-change activists should take some lessons from the mismanagement and miscommunication around the covid pandemic. In both cases, people across the political spectrum feel helpless in the face of the problem. In both cases, experts need to figure out how to get people to overcome these feelings and act.

True, these are not perfect parallels. Climate action faces a hurdle that hasn’t come up in the pandemic: a powerful fossil fuel lobby that’s been clever and influential, seeding public doubts about the science behind climate change. Still, climate-change denial is becoming rarer all the time, according to a survey released in April. It shows more than half of Americans believe human activity is causing climate change, and 64% say they are worried about it.
