Tiger tourism to cost more in MP on ‘premium days’

Category : Wildlife | Location : Maharashtra  | Posted on 2021-08-31 00:17:57

Tiger tourism to cost more in MP on ‘premium days’

Nagpur: With the entry fee now almost double, from Rs 1,500 to Rs 3,000, tourists visiting wildlife parks in Madhya Pradesh will have to shell out more at weekends, holidays, and during vacation time from October 1.“Wildlife tourism is closed for monsoon and the new hike will come into force from October 1, 2021, when parks reopen. We issued a circular to all field directors on August 25,” said Alok Kumar, PCCF (wildlife), MP.

With the new hike, the cost of a jungle safari will be virtually equal to what the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) has been charging at weekends and holidays.

At present, a safari in MP’s tiger reserves costs Rs 4,650 (Rs 1,550 entry, Rs 2,500 Gypsy and Rs 600 guide) on all weekdays and holidays. This fee will continue to remain the same for buffer and core zones on weekdays. However, with a double hike, it will now cost Rs 6,100 on weekends and holidays. Besides, the per seat charge will cost Rs 500. For foreign tourists, it will Rs 6,000 and per seat, the charge will be Rs 1,000.

Of the over 275 days of the tourism season from October 1 till June 30, 2022, the MP PCCF has identified 117 days as premium days, which means on these days, tourists will have to pay through their nose.

As per the circular, most of the premium days have been identified in October (15), November (13), December (18), January (15), and March (13). During summer, the peak wildlife tourism season, only 9 days have been identified as premium.

However, with the fuel price hike, Gypsy owners are also likely to increase the safari rate from the present Rs 2,500 to Rs 3,000, but no decision has been taken yet.

“As the fee hike for premium days in MP is for both core and buffer zones, a safari in Tadoba’s buffer will cost less than MP for Rs 4,200 on all days. It will also be competitive at Rs 5,200 on weekends if the safari is booked within 60 days,” says resort owner Nikhil Abhyankar.

After the liquor ban was lifted in Chandrapur district, more tourists are expected this season. Even now, when the core area is closed, the buffer zone is witnessing a huge rush due to regular tiger sightings.

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/tiger-tourism-to-cost-more-in-mp-on-premium-days/articleshowprint/85781250.cms